Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists
Welcome To Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists
【APFP2024】One week to go!
【APFP2024】Last chance to book your accommodation
【APFP2024】Keynote Speakers information: Dr Masatoshi Hagiwara and Dr Guanhua Du.
【APFP2024】Registration and call for abstracts has opened already!
【ASCEPT】Joint ASCEPT Drug Disposition and Response SIG – PAGANZ Student Symposium
A Message from the President, March 2023

Alastair Stewart, Ph.D.
Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists
Dear all APFP members and Supporters,
Together with our Executive team of Vice President, Prof. Kesara Na-Bangchang and secretary general, Prof. Naohiko Anzai and our councilors it is a great pleasure to welcome you to Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists.
We pay tribute to Congress organisers in Taiwan who made many efforts to accommodate a face-to-face meeting in 2020 and 2021, but alas were thwarted by recurrent waves of COVID19 disruption. The facilitation of the virtual engagement by APFP members was expertly run, providing on-going connection which is an effort deeply appreciated by APFP.
APFP council will meet face to face at WCP2023 and our next Congress is in Melbourne Dec 1-4, 2024. We look forward to renewing the fellowship felt with all our member nations at these coming meetings. We do realise how important these regional connections are to maintain and deepen at every opportunity, especially following the pandemic-enforced pause.
About APFP
The Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists includes the pharmacological societies (and their members) of countries in the Asia Pacific region.
The APFP defines pharmacology broadly as comprising pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, toxicology and clinical toxicology, and branches of pharmacology such as pharmacogenomics. It also includes the scientific study of traditional medicines and natural products with pharmacological activity, areas in which the region has a rich tradition.
Asia Pacific Federation Objectives
• The advancement of research, teaching and community service in pharmacology
• The fostering of cooperation between Pharmacological Societies and pharmacologists in the region
• Encouragement of the formation of special interest groups in areas of pharmacology that are of interest and significance to the region
• Encouragement of free association between pharmacologists of the region, including the holding of regional meetings on a regular basis
• Liaison with relevant international organisations, particularly IUPHAR
• Liaison with other relevant biomedical organisations in the region and in the Pacific rim (e.g. the Western Pharmacological Society)
The Executive Committee and Council of the Federation hold office for the period between regional meetings and conduct the affairs of the Federation during that time. The Executive Committee is elected at the Business Meeting of each Regional Meeting by a majority vote of the representatives of the member societies and is comprised of the President, 1st Vice-President (President-elect) and Secretary-General/Treasurer (2nd Vice-President). All past presidents become emeritus members of the Executive.
The Council includes a nominee of each member society, generally the President, and has responsibility for maintaining the relationship between the member societies and the Federation. Council may also co-opt members from member societies, especially the convenors of future meetings, although a member society is limited to two positions on Council.
History of Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists
The Southeast Asia/Western Pacific Regional Meeting of Pharmacologists (SEA/WP-RMP) has been founded in 1976. Dr. M.K. Sim (Associate Professor, Singapore University) played a key role in foundation of the SEA/WP-RMP, the purpose of which is to promote Pharmacological Sciences in this region, namely to raise the level of Pharmacological Education and to stimulate Pharmacological Research in developing countries in Southeast Asia/Western Pacific region. Professor Mike J. Rand (Melbourne University, Australia) and Professor Koroku Hashimoto (Tohoku University School of Medicine, Japan) fully agreed with the idea of Dr. Sim and acted as the President and Vice-President of the Society, respectively.
Professors Hashimoto and Rand served as the first two presidents of the Federation (from 1976-2001). The Federation held its first Regional Scientific Meeting, under the auspices of the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR;, in Singapore in 1976. Statutes were drafted and adopted during the 8th Regional Meeting (Taipei, 1999), and the SEAWP-RFP was formally affiliated with IUPHAR in 2001.
Founders of APFP
Professor M.K. Sim (Singapore)
Profesor Koroku Hashimoto (Japan)
Profesor Michael Rand (Australia)
Member Societies
Member Societies
Membership is available to pharmacological societies in the Asia Pacific region that are affiliated to IUPHAR, and is contingent on the vote of the membership of each Society in accord with its statues to join the Federation. Each member of an affiliated Society automatically becomes a member of the Federation. The Federation has no authority to intervene in the internal affairs of member societies unless requested by a majority of the membership of that Society.
Current member societies include:
• Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists (ASCEPT) (
• Chinese Pharmacological Society (
• Indonesian Pharmacological Association
• Japanese Pharmacological Society (JPS) (
• Korean Society of Pharmacology (
• Malaysian Society of Pharmacology and Physiology (
• Pharmacological Society in Taiwan ( (Chinese only))
• Pharmacological and Therapeutics Society of Thailand
• Pharmacological Society of Singapore (PSS)
• Philippine Society of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
Individual membership may be granted to pharmacologists in parts of the region that do not have a pharmacological society affiliated with IUPHAR, provided that such persons undertake to work towards the formation of a local Society and eventually its affiliation with IUPHAR.
Corporate membership is available to commercial and government organisations operating within the region.
Member societies pay an annual subscription to the Federation based on a scale designated by IUPHAR.
Executive Committee (2021- )
President – – Professor Alastair Stewart, Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, University of Melbourne, Australia (

Vice President – – Professor Kesara Na-Bangchang, Director, Graduate Studies, Chulabhorn International College of Medicine / Director, Drug Discovery and Development Center, Thammasat University (Rangsit Campus), Thailand / President, Pharmacological and Therapeutic Society of Thailand (

Secretary General – – Professor Naiohiko Anzai, Chairman of Departmen of Pharmacology and Vice Research Director, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine, Director of Chiba University Medical Library, Japan (

Council (2021-)
Professor Alastair Stewart, President
Professor Kesara Na-Bangchang, Vice President
Professor Naohiko Anzai, Secretary General/Treasurer
Professor Masayoshi Mishina, Immediate past President
Professor Nafeeza Mohd Ismail, Councilor
Professor Wen-Chang Chang, Councilor
Professor Guan-Hua Du, Councilor
Professor Masamitsu Iino, Councilor
Professor Carl Kirkpatrick, Councilor
Professor Zhi-Bin Lin, Councilor
Professor Jong-Keun Kim, Councilor
Associate Professor Gavin Dawe, Councilor
Past Executive Committee (2016-2021)
President – –Professor Masayoshi Mishina, Molecular Neurobiology and Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Japan (
Vice-President (President-elect) – Professor Alastair Stewart, Department of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne, Australia (
Secretary General/Treasurer – Professor Kesara Na-Bangchang, Director, Graduate Studies, Chulabhorn International College of Medicine / Coordinator, WHO-TDR Clinical Coordination and Training Center, Thammasat University (Rangsit Campus), Thailand (
Past Executive Committee (2013-2016)
President – – Professor Samuel HH Chan, Distinguished Chair Professor and Director, Center for Translational Research in Biomedical Sciences, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital – Kaohsiung Medical Center, Taiwan (
1st Vice-President (President-elect) – Professor Masayoshi Mishina, Molecular Neurobiology and Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Japan (
Secretary General/Treasurer – Professor Alastair Stewart, Department of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne, Australia (
Past Council (2016-2021)
Professor Masayoshi Mishina, President
Professor Alastair Stewart, 1st Vice-President (President-elect)
Professor Kesara Na-Bangchang, Secretary General/Treasurer
Professor Samuel HH Chan, Emeritus Member (past-President)
Professor Nafeeza Mohd Ismail, Councilor
Professor Wen-Chang Chang, Councilor
Professor Guan-Hua Du, Councilor
Professor Masamitsu Iino, Councilor
Associate Professor Peter Molenaar, Councilor
Professor Zhi-Bin Lin, Councilor
Professor Jong-Keun Kim, Councilor
Associate Professor WS Fred Wong, Councilor
Past Council (2013-2016)
Professor Nafeeza Mohd Ismail, Malaysian Society of Pharmacology and Physiology
Professor Wen-Chang Chang, Pharmacological Society of Taiwan
Professor Guan-Hua Du, Chinese Pharmacological Society
Professor Masamitsu Iino, Japanese Pharmacological Society
Associate Professor Peter Molenaar, Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists
Professor Zhi-Bin Lin, Chinese Pharmacological Society (Organiser of the 12th APFP Meeting)
Professor Dong Goo Kim, Korean Society of Pharmacology
Associate Professor Supratra Srichairat, Pharmacological and Therapeutics Society of Thailand
Past Presidents
2016-2021: Professor Masayoshi Mishina, Brain Science Laboratory, The Research Organization of Science and Technology, Ritsumeikan University, Japan (

2013-2016: Professor Samuel HH Chan, Distinguished Chair Professor and Director, Center for Translational Research in Biomedical Sciences, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital – Kaohsiung Medical Center, Taiwan (
2007-2013: Professor John Miners, Clinical Pharmacology, Flinders University School of Medicine, Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, Australia (
2002-2007: Professor Masao Endoh, Clinical Pharmacology, Yamagata University School of Medicine, Flinders Medical Centre, Yamagata, Japan
1976-2001: Professor Michael J. Rand, Melbourne University Australia
Federation Meetings
Meetings are held every four years. Federation sponsored workshops and other meetings are encouraged in the intervening years. Venues, years and organisers of previous meetings are given below:
Future Federation Meetings
15th Meeting, Mebourne, Australia, 1st-4th Dec. 2024. Co-Hosted by the Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists (ASCEPT) and the Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association (APSA)
Recent Federation Meetings
14th Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, November 26-29, 2021. Hosted by the Pharmacological Society in Taiwan
>>See below for further details.
Past Federation Meetings
• 13th Meeting, February, Thailand, February 1-3, 2016. Hosted by the Pharmacological and Therapeutics Society of Thailand
>>See below for further details.
• 12th meeting 2013 – Shanghai, China (Chair – Guan-Hua Du). Host Society, Chinese Pharmacology Society
• 11th Meeting, 2011 – Yokohama, Japan (Chair – Masamitsu Iino). Host Society, Japanese Pharmacological Society (cancelled due to the earthquake/tsunami)
• 10th Meeting, December 3-5, 2007, Adelaide, Australia (Chair – John O. Miners). Host Society, Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists
• 9th Meeting, August 19-22, 2003, Busan, South Korea (Chair – Kyung Hwan Kim). Host Society, Korean Society of Pharmacology.
• 8th Meeting, November 2-5, 1999, Taiwan (Co-Chairs – Che-Ming Teng and Samuel HH Chan). Host Society, Pharmacological Society in Taiwan
• 7th Meeting, November 21-23, 1995, Manila, the Philippines (Chair – Esperanza I. Cabral). Host Society, Philippines Society of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
• 6th Meeting, July 1-5, 1991, Hong Kong (Chair – Clive W. Ogle). Host Society, Hong Kong Pharmacology Society
• 5th Meeting, July 4-8, 1988, Beijing, China (Chair – Wang Zhen-Gang). Host Society, Chinese Pharmacological Society
• 4th Meeting, May 7-10, 1985, Bangkok, Thailand (Chair – Chiravat Sadavongvivad). Host Society, Pharmacological and Therapeutics Society of Thailand
• 3rd Meeting, May 25-28, 1982, Penang, Malaysia
• 2nd Meeting, June 24-27, 1979, Jog Jakarta, Indonesia
• 1st Meeting, May 11-14,1976, Singapore (Chair – M.K. Sim)
Meeting Announcements
“APFP 2024 meeting in Australia”
1. Conference Date: Dec 1-4, 2024
(deadlines to be announced soon).
2. Place: Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
3. Information of organizing society:
Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists:
Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association
4. All informations are available at the web site of “2024 APFP in Australia”:

The 14th Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologist Meeting, 2021APFP
1. Conference Date: November 26-29, 2021
2. Place: 台北國際會廳 (Taipei International Convention Center, TICC)
(Address: No. 1 Hsin-Yi Road, Section 5, Taipei 11049;
3. Information of organizing society: 台灣藥理學會The Pharmacological Society in Taiwan.
Website: (Chinese only)
4. Records are available at the web site of “Events” in IBMI:
The 13th Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologist Meeting
“New Paradigms in Pharmacology for Global Health”
1st – 3rd February 2016
The Berkeley Hotel Pratunam, Bangkok, Thailand
Chair – Professor Kesara Na-Bangchang, Director, Graduate Studies, Chulabhorn International College of Medicine / Coordinator, WHO-TDR Clinical Coordination and Training Center, Thammasat University (Rangsit Campus), Thailand
Background and Rationale
The Pharmacological and Therapeutic Society of Thailand (PHAR THERST or PTST) is domestically, interconnected with other academic societies through the network of National Council of Sciences and Technology of Thailand. Internationally, PTST is a member of International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR). In addition PTST is also a member of Southeast Asian Western Pacific-Regional of Pharmacologists (SEAWP-RFP) which recently became The Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists (APFP). PTST is honored to have hosted the 3rd Conference of SEAWP-RFP in Bangkok in 1982 and it is our pleasure to organize the 13th Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists (APFP) Meeting in Bangkok during 1st-3rd February 2016. Contributions from APFP, invited speakers and participants from over 26 countries are truly appreciated. The 13th Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologist Meeting under the theme of ‘New Paradigms in Pharmacology for Global Health’ which perfectly reflects the role of pharmacology in the crossroad of the ever changing scene in health care. Sixteen years into this millennium, we continue to witness vast advances in our understanding of how molecules interact at the subcellular level. We also witness a massive explosion of technologies that allow us to probe into the mysteries of human diseases. Pharmacology is an important discipline in biomedical science. It is the foundation of new drug discovery and development that has brought to mankind a longer and better quality of life, particularly since the explosion of this discipline during the last century and continue to do even more so into our present days. As the key discipline that interfaces fundamental investigation, clinical trial and health care, pharmacology again enjoys a unique position in contemporary medicine. To maintain this uniqueness, we pharmacologists must continue to inspire our younger generation to thrive to be innovative in establishing new paradigms in our discipline. This is the soul of this quadrennial gathering of senior and junior pharmacologist based in the Asia and Pacific region and beyond. Drug design and discovery is a global issue, and nations all over the world share the same challenges and concerns that surround this important topic. The conference can provide several interesting perspectives on the role of pharmacology in drug discovery and development research for important public health diseases. The deliberations and recommendations of this conference has provided a significant impact on the future directions of the discovery and development of new promising drugs and on the improvement towards the health and wellness of humanity. The Scientific Committee has organized 18 symposia, and oral and poster presentations. The program covered exciting issues related to the latest advances in drug discovery and development research. In addition, the conference also included Young Investigator Awards and Chaired Poster Presentation Competition. The congress was a unique opportunity to meet top ranking specialists of various professional backgrounds involved in drug discovery, drug development, pharmacology and pharmacotherapy as well as other related fields. It provided ample opportunities for exchanging novel scientific findings, initiating research collaborations and promoting friendship. We had participants from several countries gathered. This was indeed, an opportunity to establish new scientific and professional bridges in Pharmacology. These three conference days allowed academics, researchers, and professionals to share their ideas and opinions, to discuss about an update in all aspects in Pharmacology and to establish personal contacts as well as generate international collaborations in the future. They have had productive and successful achievements in order to improve the global health care with Pharmacology. Pharmacologists can be stronger and closer collaboration in the field of Pharmacology.
Number of Poster Presentation
• 212 posters
Number of Oral Presentation
• 13 topics
Travel Awards
• Thai participants (10 Awards from PTST, 100 USD each)
• Foreign participants (10 Awards from APFP, 500 USD each)
Poster Presentation Awards
• Outstanding: 5 Awards (100 USD each)
• Very good: 5 Awards (50 USD each)
Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists
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